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State capital Stuttgart

People with disabilities

Easy language

We describe the Internet site stuttgart.de in plain language.
Click on "Contents of stuttgart.de" or "How stuttgart.de works" to go directly to the information.

Content of stuttgart.de

Welcome to the website of the city of Stuttgart.
Here you can find information about our website in plain language.

The website of the city of Stuttgart is called:
We explain here

what information is available on the website.
how you can use the website.

You can find on the Internet site

  • new news.
  • Service offers from the city administration.
  • Job offers.
  • Addresses and opening hours of offices.
  • Events.

Information about facilities and projects of the city.

You can view the website on different devices

For example

on your computer.
on a tablet.
on your smartphone.
You get the same info on each device.

What does the page look like?

On the top left of each page you will see

the logo of the city of Stuttgart.

On the top right of each page you will see

a magnifying glass and the menu.

It looks like this:

If you click on the logo:
You will get to the home page.

If you click on the magnifying glass:
You can search something on the internet page.

When you click on the menu:
You will find a list of all the topics
on the Internet page.

The menu

The menu is at the top right of the Internet page.
In the menu you will find a list of all topics
on the Internet page.
This is how the menu looks like:

Do you want to see all topics?
Click on the menu.
Then the list with all topics will open.
This is how the list
looks like:

Above the list you see 4 characters:

Do you want to read the
in English language?
Then click on English.

Easy language
Do you want to read the explanations
in easy language?
Then click on Easy Language.

The magnifying glass
Do you want to search for specific information?
Then click on the magnifying glass.

The X
Do you want to close the menu?
Then click on the X.

Above the list is the heading Home.
Under the heading are the 6 major sections
of this internet page:

  • Service
  • Citizens
  • Life
  • Culture
  • Economy
  • City Hall

Click on an area for more topics.

There is more important info below the list:

Home page
Here you come back to the start page.

Here you will find information about offers
and services from the city of Stuttgart.

Here is information for press staff.
These are for example journalists or radio reporters.
Here you will find press releases and
contact data of our press office.

City map
Here you can find the city map of Stuttgart.
The city map is from the Stadtmessungsamt.
You can search for streets in the city map.
There are city maps for different topics.

On the right side of the list there are also yellow arrows.
This is what the yellow arrow looks like:

A yellow arrow means:
There are other topics for this area.
Do you want to see the other topics?
Then click on the yellow arrow.

If you hold the mouse over a topic,
you will see a yellow bar.
This is what the yellow bar looks like:

You can tell exactly by the yellow bar:
This topic opens when I click on it.

The home page

We change the home page all the time.
We show here the latest info
and hints about our offers.
At the top of the home page you will see a box with a magnifying glass.
This is the search field for the internet page.
The search box looks like this:

Are you looking for a specific topic on the Internet page?
You can enter a word in the search field.
The word is your search text.
Then click on the magnifying glass.
You will then get a search result.
This is all the information on the Internet page
which have to do with your search text.

Our service offer

On the start page there is also an overview
with service offers from the city of Stuttgart.
You can see many small pictures
with the names of the service offers.
This is how the overview looks like:

Do you need more information about a service offer?
Then click on a picture in the overview.

Share page

Further down on the home page you will see
the heading Share page.
Share page means:
You send someone the address
from our website.
This is how you can send someone the address:

  • On Facebook.
  • On Twitter.
  • As an e-mail.

For that the 3 characters are under share page.

This is what the 3 characters look like:

Do you want to send someone the address
from the web page?
Then click on a character:

  • The first character is for Facebook.
  • The second character is for Twitter.
  • The third character is for e-mail.

Next to the 3 characters is one more character.
That's 2 arrows pointing up.
Do you want to go to the top of the home page?
Then click on the 2 arrows.

Contact, Imprint, Privacy

At the very bottom of the web page
you will see a gray area.
This is what the gray area looks like:

You can find more important info in the gray area
about the Internet site.
Some info is also important for the law.
The info is for example:

  • How can you reach us?

You can find it in the contact section.

  • Who owns the website?

That is in the imprint.

What do we do with your data?
Who is our data protection officer?
You can find out in the data protection section.

The 6 areas

You can find the list of all topics in the menu.
There are 6 important areas in the list:

  • Service
  • Citizens
  • Life
  • Culture
  • Economy
  • City Hall

This is the list of the 6 areas:


In the Service section you will find information
about offers and services of the city of Stuttgart.
There is a lot of different info.
For example:

  • How do you renew your identity card?
  • How do you get an appointment at the citizen's office?
  • What are the opening hours of an office?
  • What services are available on the Internet?
  • What does the city need to know when you get married?

In the Service section you will also find
more information about the service telephone.
To do so, click on Behördennummer 115.
This is a telephone number especially for questions
about the offers and services of the city.
The telephone number is: 115.
This is how the information about the service phone looks like:

Do you need sign language?

Sign language is also available for the service phone.
You can make a video call for this.
Click on sign phone for more info.

Do you have any suggestions, ideas or complaints?

You can tell the city of Stuttgart.
There is a form for this in the Service section.
The form is called:Yellow Card.
Fill out the form and send it to us.
This is how you can send the form:

  • In an e-mail
  • In the app: Stuttgart - my city
  • As a fax
  • As a letter

You will find in the Service section
even more information about the city:

Info about elections
Important numbers about Stuttgart.


The Citizens section
Is for all people in the city of Stuttgart.
For example:

  • Children and young people
  • Families
  • People from other countries
  • Students
  • People with disabilities

This is about topics for everyone.
For example, important projects or service offers.

Do you want to have a say
to have a say and participate in important matters?
That's what we call citizen participation.
Here is info on what you can do.
You can also find more info
about working for others in your spare time.
This is called: volunteering.


The Living section has a lot of topics
about life in the city of Stuttgart.
You can find here more info about

  • projects.
  • Service offers.
  • Consulting offers.

For example about

  • Bus and train and traffic.
  • Housing.
  • Health.
  • Environment.
  • Education.
  • Urban construction and planning.
  • Cooperation with other countries and cities.


The area of culture is about
offers for leisure time.
These offers are called: cultural offers.
Stuttgart has many different offers.
For example

  • Theater plays.
  • Exhibitions in the museum.

You can find more information about the cultural offers
and cultural facilities in Stuttgart.


The economy section is about
work and companies in Stuttgart.
Good and successful companies are also good for Stuttgart.

The business development department provides advice
and provides information.
For example, for companies
who want to come to Stuttgart.
Or for people who want to start a company.

The city also works with universities
and research institutions.
More information about this can also be found here.

City Hall

The City Hall section gives information about the work

  • of the mayor.
  • from the city councillors in the municipal council.
  • from the mayors
    from different working areas.

These people all work for the city of Stuttgart.

The city council meets for discussions.

You get info about the meetings here.
You also get here infos
about the different working areas.

In the area of the city hall there is also the topic career. Here you get more info about new jobs from the city. The city of Stuttgart has over 19 thousand employees. This makes Stuttgart the fourth largest employer in the Stuttgart region.

There are many different professions.
We are looking forward to your application.

In the city hall section you can also find more information
about all the city districts of Stuttgart.
Stuttgart has 23 city districts.

Are you a young person and
you want to have more say in your city district?
Then you can join a youth council.
You can find more information about the youth council here.

The city hall section is also about money:

  • What does Stuttgart spend money on?
  • How high are the taxes?
  • How expensive are other offers from the city?

How stuttgart.de works

Everyone should be able to use our Internet site well.
That is why on the Internet site there are
there are several tools for you.
We explain here,
how to recognize and use the tools.

Read more

You are not supposed to get all the info at once.
It is too much.
That's why the website doesn 't show you all the info right away.
Some information is hidden.

You will see only the headlines.
Next to the headlines there is this sign: +.
This is what the sign looks like:

Want to read more info?

Click on the + next to the headline.
You will then see more info.
It will look like this:

You will now see more info.
The + is now a different sign: -.
This means: You have opened the info.

Don't want to see the info anymore?
Click on the - sign.
You will not see the info anymore.


You can see many pictures on our internet page.
From time to time pictures also belong together.
You can then see the pictures one after the other.
These pictures then have an arrow on the left and on the right.
This is what the arrows on the pictures look like:

Click on the arrows.
Then you see the picture before or after.

At the bottom right of the image is another sign.
These are 4 arrows pointing to each corner.
Click on the 4 arrows.
Then the picture gets bigger.

You will then see under the picture
also an info text to the picture.

And you see this sign: ©
This is the copyright sign.
That means: No one is allowed to use the image just like that.
Behind the sign it says who has the rights to the image.

Read more texts

On the home page and on the pages of the areas
there are also special pictures.
With these pictures there is a short text.
If you click on the picture
you will get to a page with more text.
On these pictures there are other characters at the bottom.
The characters look like this:

  • The camera

The camera is called:
At the text to the picture there are more pictures.

  • The triangle

The triangle is called:
There is a video here.

  • The number with the star

The number with the star means:
So many users like the image or the text by the image.

References to other texts

In many texts there are references to other texts,
to Internet pages or to files.
References in the text have a sign
and are underlined in yellow.

There may also be notes under the text.
There is also a sign for hints under the text.
But hints under the text are not underlined in yellow.
Hints under the text are underlined in yellow first,
when you hold the mouse over a hint.

There are several hints:

  • references to texts from our Internet site
  • references to other internet pages
  • Hints to texts to open and save

References to texts from our Internet site

The sign for these hints
is an arrow pointing to the right.
This is what the sign looks like:

Click on such a hint.
Then you will get to another text
on our Internet site.

References to other Internet pages

The sign for other internet pages
is a box with an arrow pointing to the top right.
This is what the sign looks like:

Click on such a hint.
You will then be taken to another Internet page.
You are then no longer on our Internet page.

Notes on texts to open and save

The sign for texts to open and save
is an open box with an arrow pointing down.
This is what the sign looks like:

Click on such a hint.
Then you can read and save a text as a PDF file
on your computer and save it.

Maybe you can 't find a topic in the menu.
Then you can also search for the topic.
There is a search for that.
The sign for the search is the magnifying glass.

Do you want to search the whole Internet page?
Then search with the magnifying glass in the upper right corner.
Or you can use the search field on the start page.
The search field on the home page looks like this:

There are also other searches on the Internet page.
For example

  • a search for services

from the administration.

  • a search for press releases.
  • a search for schools.

Where on the Internet page am I right now?

Maybe you read a text
and you do not know more:
In which topic is this text?
How do I get back
for example to a section?
You can always check in the menu
in which topic you are.
There you can see the headline of the topic.

The headline of the topic is also
at the bottom of the web page.
It looks like this:

The heading at the bottom right is the topic,
you are currently in.
Do you want to go back to a previous topic?
Then click on a heading before it.

Using the Internet page with your keyboard

Larger text or smaller text

Should the text on the web page
be larger or smaller?
You can set that with your keyboard.

Here's how to make the text larger:
Hold down this key: Ctrl
Click this key at the same time: +

To make the text smaller:
Hold down this key:
Click this key at the same time: -

Select a topic in the menu

You can also use the keyboard
to select a topic in the menu.
To do this, click on this key: .

This key is called: Tab key.
With each click on the Tab key
you select the next topic.
Keep doing this,
until you have selected the correct topic.
Then click on this key: .
This key is called: Enter key.
This will open the topic.

This was all the info about our internet site

We hope,
the information on our Internet site will help you.
We will be glad
if you use our website more often.

© The text in easy language is from: Office for Easy Language, Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung Bremen e.V., 2020.

Communication department

Astrid Knoll

Symbol image person contact
Digital accessibility coordinator

Explanations and information

Picture credits

  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart
  • City of Stuttgart