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State capital Stuttgart


HR strategy 2030

Over 16,000 employees shape public life in the state capital and ensure that everything runs smoothly in Stuttgart. In order to be able to guarantee the best possible fulfillment of tasks as a municipal employer in the future, a new personnel strategy was launched with "workSTUgether".

Many faces, many people and a common mission: to shape life in Stuttgart in the interests of its citizens. This requires an appropriate number of employees with the right qualifications and motivation.

Focus on people

Our vision in HR management is to create an inspiring and attractive working environment that attracts, promotes and retains talented employees in the long term. We focus on a culture of cooperation, trust and innovation in order to offer employees attractive working conditions so that they can develop their personal potential to the best of their ability and fulfill the tasks of the City of Stuttgart in the best possible way for the benefit of its citizens. "workSTUgether" sheds light on the entire HR management process from A-Z and expresses a common vision for a modern, flexible and future-oriented city administration.

The claim "We are Stuttgart by profession" is not only an advertising message and self-image, but also a program of action to which we are committed. With this personnel strategy, we are showing the direction in which we want to go together with and for our employees.

First Mayor of the State Capital Stuttgart, Dr. Fabian Mayer

With over 70 voluntary offers for staff recruitment, retention and development, the state capital of Stuttgart already offers its employees an unparalleled range of services over and above job security in the public sector. New offers are constantly being developed and established, such as the recent offer of a free Germany ticket and the option of leasing a job bike. All offers for employees are listed in the brochure on pages 16 + 17.

Based on the existing offers and by combining them with new topics in the personnel area, a large number of fields of action and numerous personnel management measures of the state capital Stuttgart have been created. The fields of action should not be considered individually and separately, but can only lead to the goal in combination and connection:

  • Control and personnel planning with appropriate crisis management
  • Leadership, cultural development and the working atmosphere play an essential role here
  • Developing and implementing future-oriented measures in the area of staff retention and recruitment
  • Continuing the concept of life-phase-oriented personnel development and highlighting different career opportunities
  • Create a company health management system for all phases of life and concepts and measures for work-life integration
  • Consider diversity & inclusion as a fundamental pillar
  • Develop a city-wide communication strategy for HR issues
  • Tackle organizational development in the HR area, continuous process optimization and digitalization in HR management

The associated measures are to be implemented in the short, medium and/or long term, depending on their nature.

workSTUgether brochure

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  • GettyImages/filadendron
  • Getty Images / querbeet
  • Getty Images/caracterdesign