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State capital Stuttgart

Children and teenagers

Youth Services Planning

As the responsible body for public child and youth welfare, the Youth Welfare Office has planning responsibility for services aimed at children, young people and families. The responsible department for youth welfare planning is therefore concerned with all fields of action of child and youth welfare.

What is on offer for children, young people and families in Stuttgart? Youth welfare planning keeps track of it all.

The fields of action of youth welfare planning range from child day care, child and youth work and help with education to youth occupational assistance, family support and community work. It compiles an overview of existing services, determines where there is further need and ensures that necessary new services are launched.

The planning of new facilities or changes to existing facilities takes place in close cooperation with the independent providers of child and youth services and always against the background of the situation in the respective city district. For this reason, youth welfare planning works predominantly on a socio-spatial basis. The youth welfare planners are assigned to the eleven planning areas of the youth welfare office as permanent contact persons.

Explanations and information

Picture credits

  • Getty Images/jacoblund