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State capital Stuttgart


Child supplement

You earn enough to provide for yourself, but your income is not enough or only just enough to cover all your family's needs? Then you can apply for the child supplement for your children.

The child supplement is granted for up to six months. Take this opportunity to have your entitlement checked.

The child supplement is up to 205 euros per month per child, depending on your family's situation. Your income and assets and those of your child will be partially offset against the child supplement and reduce the amount of the child supplement if necessary.

The child supplement is granted for six months. If your income or housing costs change during this period, this will not affect the child supplement.

Also important: If you receive child supplement or  housing benefit, you can also receive  benefits for education and participation for your children. In addition, no KiTa fees are to be paid for all children for whom child supplement,  SGB II benefits or housing allowance is received.

Note: If you only receive benefits according to SGB II or social assistance according to SGB XII and have no other income, you are not entitled to the child supplement.

Who can receive the child supplement?

You are entitled to a child supplement for your children under the age of 25 if

  • your child lives in your household, is under 25 and is not married or in a civil partnership.
  • you receive child benefit for the child
  • Your monthly income reaches a minimum limit (the so-called "minimum income limit").
  • You have enough income for yourself and, together with the child supplement, child benefit and any housing benefit to which you may be entitled, you can cover your family's needs.
  • Your income, which is counted towards the child supplement, is not so high that the child supplement is reduced to zero.

What is the minimum income limit?

The minimum income limit is 900 euros for parent couples and 600 euros for single parents. Parents can only claim the child supplement if their monthly income (for example, gross income from employment, unemployment benefit or sickness benefit, excluding housing allowance and child benefit) reaches the respective minimum income limit.

What is extended access?

If you do not receive  benefits under SGB II and have not applied for them, you can receive child supplement instead. The prerequisite is that you lack a maximum of 100 euros with earned income, child supplement and possibly housing allowance to cover the needs of the family.

How can I check my claim?

You can check whether it is worthwhile for you to apply for a child supplement with the  KiZ-Lotse (opens in a new tab) of the Familienkasse. Please note: The KiZ-Lotse does not calculate the amount of the child supplement. After you have submitted an application for child supplement to the Family Benefits Office, you will receive a letter of notification. This letter will inform you whether you will receive child supplement and, if so, how much.

You can find out which Familienkasse is responsible for you under  Advice on site (opens in a new tab).

Apply for child supplement online

You can apply for the child supplement (KiZ) online at your family benefits office. Use the KiZ-Lotsen to check whether the child supplement is eligible for you.

Explanations and information

Picture credits

  • GettyImages/gpointstudio