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State capital Stuttgart

Integrated traffic control center

Keeping everything flowing - that is the task of the Integrated Traffic Control Center (IVLZ) in Stuttgart. All institutions that are important for road traffic work together in an integrative manner to better control the immense volume of traffic in the state capital. But how does the IVLZ actually work?

The Integrated Traffic Control Center is located in the Control Center for Safety and Mobility. The red cube is located in Bad Cannstatt in the immediate vicinity of the large event venues in NeckarPark.
Four operators per shift work together simultaneously in the control room.
The close proximity of the operators to each other enables a fast and uncomplicated exchange of information.
Numerous screens keep every IVLZ operator in view. In addition, current images and information are shown on a large media wall. There is also radio contact with the bus and light rail drivers and the police officers on the scene.
Keeping an overview! Live images from Stuttgart's road traffic help employees to quickly grasp situations and react accordingly.

The tasks of the IVLZ

In the Integrated Traffic Control Center, all institutions responsible for mobility in Stuttgart are located in one place. They include: the Office of Public Order, the Civil Engineering Office, Stuttgarter Straßenbahn AG and the police. Four operators per shift, i.e. one representative per IVLZ partner, work together simultaneously in the control room of the headquarters in Bad Cannstatt. The close proximity to each other means that information can be exchanged quickly and easily. This means that problems on Stuttgart's traffic areas can often be identified in advance and solved at an early stage.

The IVLZ has to react quickly to many different events in order to prevent traffic obstructions and congestion. Per year there are:

  • 26,700 accidents
  • 14,500 construction sites (on reserved roads alone)
  • 1,800 events (on public areas)
  • 250 events of large halls, markets and stadiums

The IVLZ in Stuttgart has been in existence since 2006 - a facility that is unique in Germany on this scale. The integrative approach has proven its worth: Not only individual traffic, but also bus and light rail traffic benefit from it. And the quality of life of pedestrians, cyclists and residents can also be improved through better traffic flow.

Public order office

Integrated Traffic Control Center (IVLZ)

Symbol image organization contact

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Picture credits

  • City of Stuttgart
  • LHS
  • LHS
  • LHS
  • LHS
  • Martin Lorenz/LHS
  • Getty Images/Balint Erlaki
  • (1) Zweygarth, (2) VVS, (3) Niedermüller, (4) Kraufmann
  • Leif-Hendrik Piechowski