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State capital Stuttgart



Traffic, construction sites, events: Our hearing is exposed to many stimuli every day. This can cause stress symptoms - and have a negative impact on our health. To protect people from too much noise, measures are needed to reduce it. The city of Stuttgart is also active in this area.

Constant noise is not only annoying but can even make people ill in extreme cases.

Noise is hardly avoidable in conurbations

Today, noise is one of the most annoying environmental impacts caused by humans and can even cause damage to health.

Every two years, the Federal Environment Agency conducts an online survey to find out which noise disturbs people the most. In 2020, 76 percent of the population in Germany alone felt annoyed by road traffic noise. And 57 percent of Germans complain about neighborhood noise, 50 percent about industrial and commercial noise, 43 percent about aircraft noise and 34 percent about rail traffic noise.

The noise situation in Stuttgart is similar. Whether construction sites or road traffic, there is a lot going on in Stuttgart, which often makes residents feel disturbed. In a conurbation, residential and commercial areas are often close to each other. This inevitably leads to conflicts.

Main causes of noise in Stuttgart

In general, road traffic causes the most noise in the entire urban area. In addition, there are light rail systems and railroads. Construction sites, industry and commerce, and events also ensure that it is rarely quiet in Stuttgart. If you want to know which areas of the city are particularly affected by noise, we recommend you take a look at our  noise maps.

For the public authorities, this results in the obligation to take suitable measures against permanently high noise pollution in the sense of preventive health care. The legislator reacted with the Federal Immission Control Act. This is intended to protect people from the harmful effects of noise on the environment.

On the following pages, the city of Stuttgart provides information on where to turn in the event of noise pollution, how the city intends to make Stuttgart quieter with the help of the noise action plan, and what measures are available to reduce noise.

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Picture credits

  • Thomas Wagner/City of Stuttgart
  • Leif Piechowski/City of Stuttgart
  • Thomas Wagner
  • GettyImages/filippo romeo