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State capital Stuttgart


A recreational concept for the Stuttgart forest

For many people, the Stuttgart forest is a place where they want to spend their free time. By developing a recreational concept, the city wants to enable everyone to enjoy nature, relax or play sports. This concept is currently being developed.

At around 5,000 hectares, the Stuttgart forest covers a full 24 percent of Stuttgart's land area.
In the Stuttgart forest - like the Red Deer Park here - many citizens like to spend their free time for recreation or relaxation.
In addition to many opportunities for recreation, Stuttgart Forest also has playgrounds for children.
In the Stuttgart forest there are also some small lakes, along whose shores you can walk, like here at the Pfaffensee.
The Stuttgart Forest is also home to many areas that are still natural and home to many species of animals and plants.

The  Stuttgart forest has a high value for many people in Stuttgart. This is not only due to its proximity to the city, but also due to its versatility and, in part, its uniqueness as a habitat for rare animal and plant species in Baden-Württemberg. Several small  lakes, and the largely contiguous and structurally rich forest area characterize the city's largest local recreation area. At the same time, the Stuttgart forest is a hunting ground and a supplier of raw materials and makes an important contribution to CO² storage as part of sustainable forestry.

Forestry administrations of the state and  city as well as private owners have always maintained the forest, secured paths and roads, repaired recreational facilities and made the forest fit for the climatic challenges of the future. The city owns about 56 percent of the forest area; the second largest owner is the state of Baden-Württemberg, represented by ForstBW,  Schönbuch Forest District (opens in a new tab).

Many different interests and protection concerns are therefore connected with the forest, such as climate and soil protection, water retention and filter or habitat for animal and plant species. This also leads to conflicts especially with regard to intensive recreational use. In order to avoid this and to preserve a forest that can be enjoyed by all, the "Stuttgart Forest Leisure Concept" is therefore to be developed. The aim of the concept is to reconcile the various requirements of nature conservation, local recreation, forestry and sports.

Development of the concept

In order to develop the leisure concept, the city, together with the advisory board for the Stuttgart city forest founded in 2019, has commissioned the office Tour Konzept eG from Schonach in the Black  Forest in cooperation with the moderation office Memo U from Freiburg. In a first step, a steering group and a forum were initially formed to assist in the development.

The task of the steering group is to organize and coordinate the process. As the central body, the forum helps shape the participation process and represents all perspectives. It consists of representatives of the various interest groups - such as hikers, cyclists or nature conservationists - and members of the forest advisory council and the steering group. The fine-tuning of the content, in turn, takes place in eight stakeholder groups.

Thus, all important stakeholders are involved in the development of the  Tour Konzept eG (opens in a new tab) from Schonach in the Black  Forest in cooperation with the moderation office  Memo U (opens in a new tab) from Freiburg. In a first step, a steering group and a forum were initially formed to assist in the development.

The task of the steering group is to organize and coordinate the process. As the central body, the forum helps shape the participation process and represents all perspectives. It consists of representatives of the various interest groups - such as hikers, cyclists or nature conservationists - and members of the forest advisory council and the steering group. The fine-tuning of the content, in turn, takes place in eight stakeholder groups.

Thus, all important stakeholders are involved in the development of the recreation concept. The goal was to create a recreation concept by the beginning of 2022 and to start with the first implementation measures in 2022. You can view the overall concept and the abridged version below.

The leisure concept to the Stuttgart forest


Current developments and progress in the development of the recreation concept are listed below.

Helpful information


Interested citizens who would like to contribute their views to the process or have questions can contact the following contacts from the forum directly on the respective topics.

Hiking and walking Mr. Alessandro Contini  freizeitkonzept-wanderergmxde
Jogging Mr. Dominik Hermet  dominik.hermetsportkreis-stuttgartde
Mountain biking Mr. Benedikt Herré  vorstandmtb-stuttgartcom
Cycling except mountain biking Mr. Dominik Hermet  dominik.hermetsportkreis-stuttgartde
Volunteer nature conservation Mr. Hans-Peter Kleemann  nabunabu-stuttgartde
Keeping and walking dogs Mr. Robert Hoening  roberthoeningname
Horse riding Mr. Dominik Hermet  dominik.hermetsportkreis-stuttgartde
Hunting Mr. Stefan Kunath  kunath-jagd-stuttgartgmxde
Fishing Mr. Hans-Peter Manuel  fam.manuelgmxde
Private forest ownership Mr. Fritz Currle  fritz.currlestuttgartde
People with disabilities / accessibility Mrs. Simone Fischer  info.bhbstuttgartde
Environmental education Mr. Berthold Reichle  berthold-reichlet-onlinede
Interests of children and young people Mr. Leo Staritzbichler  leo.staritzbichlerjugendrat-stuttgartde
Child and youth welfare institutions Ms. Annekathrin Mönter  annekathrin.moenterstuttgartde
General questions and suggestions concerning the process Mr. Matthias Huck  hucktour-konzeptde

Explanations and information

Picture credits

  • LHS
  • © the arge lola/LHS
  • LHS
  • Karl Semle/LHS
  • Gabriel Wocasek/LHS
  • the lola/LHS arGe