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State capital Stuttgart

Cultural Development

Redevelopment of the Württemberg State Theaters

The Littmann Building at Stuttgart's Eckensee, the venue of the Württembergische Staatstheater Stuttgart (WST), is to be extensively renovated, modernized and expanded. For this period, an interim venue is to be built in order to be able to continue the WST's operations without interruptions or restrictions.

The Littmann Building is one of the most magnificent historic buildings in the city. In front of it in the lake the so-called "copper ball". It consists of a blown down part of the roof, which was massively damaged in a storm in 2021.
Note: For the sake of comprehensibility, we will refer to the "Stuttgart Opera" or the "Stuttgart Opera House" in the following. We are thus orienting ourselves to the customary linguistic usage of the public. These terms correctly refer to the Württembergische Staatstheater Stuttgart (WST) and the WST venue at Oberer Schlossgarten, respectively.

The Littmann Building is one of the few historical buildings in Stuttgart to have survived the Second World War largely unscathed. The location of this internationally renowned cultural center right next to the state parliament has great charisma and symbolic power. The Württembergische Staatstheater is the largest three-division theater in the world and the largest cultural institution in the state of Baden-Württemberg and the state capital of Stuttgart. The Littmann Building is the venue for ballet and opera.

The Stuttgart Ballet is a household name worldwide, the Stuttgart Opera has already been named "Opera House of the Year" six times in the Opernwelt critics' poll, and the opera choir has been named "Choir of the Year" 12 times. Almost half a million people a year attend performances at the Württemberg State Theatres, which employ 1,400 people. We have a responsibility to preserve this jewel for future generations.

The Württemberg State Theatres are to be renovated, modernized and expanded at their main location at Oberer Schlossgarten. In Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt at the sugar factory, a new building is to be constructed for the permanent relocation of the decoration workshops. In February 2023, the architectural firm gmp International GmbH was awarded the contract for the architectural services and has been working on the plans since then in collaboration with the necessary specialist planning offices.

In addition, an interim location in the future Maker City at the Wagenhallen in Stuttgart North is planned for the duration of the construction work at Oberer Schlossgarten. The joint design by a+r Architekten (Stuttgart) & NL Architects (Amsterdam) won the Europe-wide competition for this interim location for the Württemberg State Theatres in June 2023. Further planning will be carried out with the support of the necessary specialist planning offices.

In January 2023, the state and city founded the joint project company Württembergische Staatstheater Stuttgart GmbH, ProWST for short, for the planning and implementation of the overall project. Christoph Niethammer was appointed Managing Director and took up his position at ProWST in mid-September 2023. At the beginning of May 2024, ProWST took over the continuation of the sub-projects "Construction of a new workshop building at the sugar factory" and "Renovation, modernization and extension of the listed opera house at Oberer Schlossgarten" from Landesbetrieb Vermögen und Bau Baden-Württemberg. The sub-project "Interim location" was handed over to ProWST by the building construction office of the state capital Stuttgart at the beginning of the second half of 2024.

The next project steps are the planning continuation of the "Zuckerfabrik" and "Interimsstandort" sub-projects until the design planning is completed and the preparation of the competition for the "Oberer Schlossgarten" sub-project.

Project company ProWST

The overall project to renovate, modernize and expand the Württemberg State Theatres (WST) will be planned and implemented by a project company (ProWST Projektgesellschaft Württembergische Staatstheater Stuttgart GmbH), which will be financed equally by the state capital of Stuttgart and the state of Baden-Württemberg. The Council of Ministers approved the establishment of this joint project company on July 26, 2022. The municipal council of the state capital Stuttgart gave its approval on December 15, 2022.

ProWST Projektgesellschaft Württembergische Staatstheater Stuttgart GmbH was founded on January 10, 2023 and took over the planning work previously carried out by the state and city in mid-2024.

Basic decision of the municipal council

On July 28, 2021, the majority of Stuttgart's municipal council approved municipal support for the implementation concept developed over several years by the state and city.

With this decision in principle, it set the course for the renovation, modernization and expansion of the listed Littmann building and the administration and scenery building, as well as for the installation of a cross stage.

The municipal council confirmed the necessary construction of an interim location with a modular venue on the Wagenhallen site and the construction of a workshop building at the Zuckerfabrik site in Bad Cannstatt.

Mayor Dr. Frank Nopper (right) and First Mayor Dr. Fabian Mayer, who is responsible for culture, in front of the Littmann Building.

Questions and answers about the redevelopment

We have compiled and answered frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the renovation of the opera house of the Württemberg State Theaters Stuttgart (as of July 2024).

Explanations and information

Picture credits

  • Dominik Thewes
  • Alisa Weckfort
  • City of Stuttgart
  • a+r Architekten GmbH, Stuttgart with NL Architects, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • a+r Architekten GmbH, Stuttgart with NL Architects, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • City Surveyor's Office
  • Visualization: Steffen Sommer, 3D Laser Scanning & Visualization